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Search terms are not case sensitive and accents/special characters are not required - entering dusko tadic will find Duško Tadić
Use double quotes to search for exact phrases like "court of appeal"
Use the asterisk (*) as a wild-cord symbol only at the end of a term: premeditat will find premeditated and premeditation
Terms are optional by default: "the hague" bosnia will find cases containing one or both of these terms
Use a plus-sign (+) to moke terms required, for example +"the hague" +bosnia: the results will contain both "the hague" and bosnia
Use a minus-sign (-) to exclude certain results, for example "the hague"-bosnia: the results will contain "the hague" but not bosnia
When you use the prefix title: to a term it will only be applied to the title: title:hamdan, all results will hove hamdan in their title
Other prefixes are court: and keyword:, example: title:hamdan, court:supreme or keyword:"violence to life" title:prosecutor
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If you check more than one category all cases in the result set will be from at least one of these categories
When all categories are unchecked no filter will be applied
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Enter a "From" year to find only cases from the start of that year
Enter a "To" year to find only cases up to the end of that year
By entering a year in both fields a range will be applied from the start of the first to the end of the second
To find cases from a single year enter the same year in both fields
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Filters by Field(s):
General (226 )
Human Rights (104 )
Criminal Justice (81 )
Investment (2550 )
Trade (421 )
Regional Integration (130 )
Environment (169 )
Sea (26 )
Air and Space
Telecommunications (55 )
International Organisations (151 )
Filters by Nature(s):
Bilateral Treaty (2588 )
Multilateral Treaty (281 )
Statute (84 )
Rules of Procedure (239 )
Model (50 )
Draft (5 )
Act of International Organisations (111 )
Case Law (6 )
Grey Literature (16 )
Other Procedural Texts (56 )
Filters by Dispute Settlement(s):
International Courts and Tribunals (159 )
Domestic Courts and Tribunals (1198 )
Quasi-Judicial Bodies (92 )
Arbitration (2526 )
Diplomatic Means (2459 )
Operative (332 )
Inoperative (411 )
Void document (20 )
Request for review (34 )
In force (2443 )
Missing document (40 )
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